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Body weight for fitness training- more than you think?

Ability is a complex term. That is why, if you get a person to a universal definition of fitness you usually something to vaguely as these issues, "appropriate physical condition is." Believe me, not ask someone (the same fitness professionals). But once you understand the true nature of the physical condition, I am confident that you will see why the body weight for fitness training should include your complete training program.
Thus, we begin with my definition of fitness!
Fitness compromise is acceptable and jurisdiction and performance in all areas of the endurance cardio, strength, flexibility, power, speed, coordination, agility, balance, precision and tenacity for best results see the greatest amount of circumstances.
They would better read still once course you it.

As you can see, the fitness is more than its strength. It is the lungs and the most powerful heart. Fitness is the ability to use your physical at the same time and transparent abilities to physical challenges. And body weight training is an excellent way of training for all fitness!
People, the fitness focus usually only one or two of the physical skills to be able to adapt. Or it based on his training therefore capable, such as burning fat and building muscle. See, muscular or sleek does not necessarily mean that you are good! However the manifest desire is usually as a solid, muscular, lean body.

There are three types of challenges to those who the you in the sport, work and life.
  1 The challenge requires that you move your body to the task completed successfully
  2 The challenge requires that an external object was moved from the task completed successfully
  3 The challenge requires that you, move your body and an external object successfully completed the task

To make more complicated things, the challenge of a physical condition of remission in form and in any combination required how you see, move your own body is required for both types of challenges and therefore should therefore be trained. Body weight training is so important.
Think y is it this way to train as many skills to be shaped, you need a versatile tool that can all trains. And there is no better tool than the own body. Body weight training can capacity effectively all physical must be objective form.

Compare the body weight training, strength training. Body weight training is a much more accessible and versatile training form. Make no mistake, I love the weight and feel superior for certain types of training. I think that body weight training has more to offer in terms of improving the physical capabilities of the physical condition.
So if you want to be really in shape, need to improve the physical fitness condition. Body weight for fitness training should be part of the physical training program of each. Because if you really are in shape, you not only challenges the sport, work and life by excellence, will see you to this great!

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