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Which is to use the best equipment, when it comes to strength training

Head first in the issue of the jump is of more effective type of strength training with free weights. It is mainly because they allow to perform the exercise through a variety of movements and techniques. While at the same time, they take part of a second group of muscle provides the exercise from the machines. However, it is arguable that machines allow to continue to isolate different muscle groups. Think for example of a dumbbell shoulder press standing. More muscles involved in the technique in the right way perform can contain your core business as much as possible, when the movement should, therefore, training your heart and leads together, always more to exercise for the shoulders more than calories burned or acquired more than muscle. Base to a shoulder press machine where only your shoulders would be used to carry out the exercise while at the same time be affected without form. This is due to the fact that on a single model of the movement after the top and bottom of the equipment you use, which is ideal for the total isolation of your shoulders.

To help choose you which is most advantageous, we the advantages and disadvantages of each method and you decide yourself.

Benefits of the use of free weights

Integrated - additional muscle groups to training with free weights equipment, you move the weight in a natural level of the query, that is. Actual movements are unlimited and run your joints naturally. Comparable with the movements in everyday life and not just in the gym, not the first room, what the bed to obtain or up and down stairs as a robot programmed bend his leg to rotate 90 degrees in the knee, or a movement defined on the page. It is an advantage to the fact that, in time the same secondary muscle groups indirectly allows the body and muscles in various positions to stabilize the primary muscle with labour groups. It is also better health on your joints such as the implementation of activity or exercise with a unique range of movement.

Faster profits - is the point above. More muscle groups together faster profits any one note of additional calories weight loss, or if your goal weight or force is increased burned.

The lack of insulation - otherwise effectively increase technology, then dumbbell equipment can lead to not isolate individual muscles, as much as you need or your training is ineffective muscles work that it is supposed to work. If we consider, for example, a simple barbell biceps curl, the completion of the move is standing beneficial, if the form is 100%, how you are your biceps isolated in your core business with your body during your stable lifts. If your form is not great, and you can see yourself swing you a little (often a result of the weight is too heavy), and then cheat to raise up to the chest, so not effectively isolate your biceps by the inclusion of your shoulders and dynamic lawyer. If a machine run, then this exercise with a biceps curl less effort to maintain your upper torso in a stable position and your biceps fully use to lift the weight. There is also a small chance, injury, with machines, which leads us to our next point.
Found in some problems in the possibility of injury - if you reach positive failure with free weight equipment and you are in a situation where it is dangerous, put the weight down (standing, press the shoulder for example), and then charge without a spotter or a training partner. When using machines, when a stupid person puts his fingers under the plates of weight, as all parts of the body should be harm in way less risk of injury. This also makes enough material not plu dumbbell not a good idea for people to recover from injuries such as muscle or surrounding group groups of muscles and joints, to address the mass and many travel. Machines retain the need for secondary muscles work and allow you to simply once required to restore the weight on the stack.

Disadvantages of the use of machinery

Deficiency in gaining strength - the more Fitness-Studio-audiences find, although they could be allowed to raise on machines with heavier weights, they do not appear to raise similar weight, when you run the same movement with free weights equipment. It is only a single muscle you until the work on noted such result in the use of machines, while with dumbbell equipment allows the inclusion of secondary muscle groups at the same time. Think what a chest press; the most important muscles worked chest, secondary education includes the triceps. Now a coated dumbbell bar attempts the most important muscle, the chest is secondary, stabilization of muscle groups and stakeholders are involved in the triceps, shoulders, back and the base. This variant is therefore in no case more than hard work to achieve a similar weight of the machine chest press.

Lack of victories on the size - it is the inclusion of different groups of muscles in the same but also debatable, movements isolate more you the muscle and then you will see improvements to the overall size. The principle and the secondary used in the example above press chest yet muscle groups and check what exercise go, have benefits throughout greater. Use one of the above use of the machine, this reason already of good size machines are in the best of links to the tip or people and would rather focus on the individual or muscle groups.

From the above, it appears that machines have benefits that the dumbbell. However, the form sufficiently with free weights is in our opinion the point that the large muscle groups are integrated the best solution, if kettlebells, dumbbells and barbells long. The optimal program of course is a combination of the use. You notice results and your goals, what equipment you use as always the element under the condition that the intensity, food and progression is sufficient!

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